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Doosan Yonkang Presents Awards for Surgical Research
- Prizes go to Professor Hyung-Ho Kim of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Professor Chi-Min Park of Samsung Medical Center
2014. 11. 30

On Nov. 29, Doosan Yonkang Foundation (Chairman Y.H. Park) hosted the 2014 Doosan Yonkang Awards for Surgical Medicine at the COEX in the southeast of Seoul. The winners of this year’s awards were Professor Hyung-Ho Kim of Seoul National University Bundang Hospital and Professor Chi-Min Park of Samsung Medical Center, who received plaques and prizes of 20 million won and 10 million won, respectively.

Professor Hyung-Ho Kim was recognized for “Long-term results of laparoscopic gastrectomy for gastric cancer,” a paper that demonstrated laparoscopic gastrectomies are oncologically safe by tracking their results over the long-term.

Professor Chi-Min Park was acknowledged for his research paper on “Impact of a surgical intensivist on the clinical outcomes of patients admitted to a surgical intensive care unit,” which showed that having a doctor designated for an intensive care unit can have a big impact on decreasing the mortality rate among critically-ill patients.

The Doosan Yonkang Awards for Surgical Medicine were established in 2007 to help develop surgical medicine in Korea and encourage researchers.