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Our “Best Partner of the Year 2023” - HD Hyundai Infracore Partnership Award
- HD Hyundai Infracore announced the top 9 Performing distributors for the year 2023
2024. 4. 12

HD Hyundai Infracore announced the top 9 Performing distributors for the year 2023. Among them, 5 distributors were selected as the “Best Partner of the Year” based on their performances on the KPI (Key Performance Indicators) set for machine sales, aftermarket, and product support.

In addition, 4 distributors were selected as “Best Partner of Aftermarket” and “Best Partner of Product Support” (2 distributors for each award) in recognition of operational excellence in the aftermarket and for achieving remarkable

improvements in providing high-standard customer service. 

HD Hyundai Infracore congratulates the top 9 performing distributors for these achievements and extends our most profound appreciation to all distributors for their dedication and effort thus far.

Meet the top 9 performing distributors below.